Article ‘De Zondag (Belgium) – Franky Hungenaert
Expo in de Bib: ‘Tribute to Life’ van Walda Verbaenen
(Interview in Dutch)

Article ‘Het Laatste Nieuws (Belgium) – Pascal Dewulf
Expo in Hasselt: ‘Between Layers’, boeiende expo over typografie, vormtaal en artificiële intelligentie’
(Interview in Dutch)
13/07 link to the article


Video news ‘TVLimburg’ (Belgium) – Tom Kums (Elien Vanhaekendover & Arne Laermans)
Phonotype Expo in Beringen: ‘Taalpunt in bibliotheek van Beringen is plekje voor iedereen die Nederlands leert.’
(Interview in Dutch)
26/03 link to the video


Article ‘Het belang van Limburg’ & ‘Het Nieuwsblad’ (Belgium) – Joos Meesters
Henry van de Velde Award Design Research: ‘PXL-onderzoekster vertaalt emoji’s naar braille’
(Interview in Dutch)
08/02 link to the article in Belang van Limburg
08/02 link to the article in Het Nieuwsblad

Article website ‘Henry van de Velde Awards‘ (Belgium)
Henry van de velde Bronze Award Design Research: ‘Braille Meets emoticons’
08/02 link to the article on the Henry van de Velde website

Article ‘PXL EXPERTS’ (Belgium) – Frank Joosten
‘Onderzoeker van de maand’
(Interview in Dutch)
02/02 link to the article


Article on ‘Eye on Design’ (AIGA) – Angela Riechers
‘How Three Designers Created the Rosart Project, a Typeface Revival and a Labor of Love’
4/12 link to article

Article ‘weekend Knack’ (Belgium) – Lotte Philipsen
Henry Van de velde Award Design Research: ‘Design van de bovenste plank: ontdek de 27 winnaars van de Henry van de Velde Awards 2022’
16/11 link to the article


Article ‘Het Laatste Nieuws (Belgium) – Emily Nees
Phonotype Expo in Genk: ‘Bib brengt expo over nieuw lettertype: zo spreek je Nederlandse woorden correct uit.’
(Interview in Dutch)
03/07 link to the article

Video news ‘TVLimburg’ (Belgium) – Dario D‘Arpino
Phonotype Expo in Genk: ‘woorden nooit meer fout lezen met bijzonder schriftbeeld’
(Interview in Dutch)
01/07 – link to the video

Article ‘METRO‘ (Belgium) 
30/06 – link to the article

Article ‘VRT Taal‘ (Belgium) 
02/03 – link to the article

Article ‘Scriptiekrant winter 2019‘ (Belgium) 
24/12 – link to the article


Article ‘Nieuwsblad‘ (Belgium) – Guido Govaerts
11/12 – link to the article (only for subscribers)

Interview ‘de Vlaamse Scriptieprijs‘ (Belgium)
Maak kennis met Walda Verbaenen – genomineerde Klasseprijs
01/12 – link to the interview

Article ‘Wanderful design’‘ (Belgium) 
02/09 – link to the article

Article ‘Plantin Institute of Typography‘ (Antwerp – Belgium) 
25/06 – link to the article

Video ‘Het Belang van Limburg’ (Belgium) 
(Explanation in Dutch about the project, shows also the printed material)
21/06 – link to the video

Article ‘Het belang van Limburg‘ (Belgium) 
21/06 – link to the article (only for subscribers)